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Aug. 22, 2023

005: Paranormal Encounters: Tales from a Haunted Hospital

005: Paranormal Encounters: Tales from a Haunted Hospital

Join host Joey and his daughter Abby on a spine-tingling journey through their paranormal investigation at an abandoned hospital in their hometown. In this episode, Joey Misbehaves and Abby recount their hair-raising experiences from their visit to the haunted hospital, delving into the eerie encounters they had during their ghostly adventure. From mysterious growls in the lobby to inexplicable temperature changes and interactive responses from an otherworldly presence, their detailed recollections paint a vivid picture of the supernatural events that unfolded throughout the night.

As they discuss their encounters, Joey and Abby explore the fine line between skepticism and belief in the paranormal. With moments of suspense and laughter, they analyze their reactions and the validity of the strange occurrences they witnessed. Join them as they debate whether these encounters were truly the result of ghostly interactions or potentially explained by more rational factors.

Throughout the episode, Joey and Abby share personal anecdotes, insights from other investigators, and their own reactions to the paranormal events. Listeners will find themselves captivated by the unfolding story and the dynamic father-daughter duo's banter and differing perspectives. From unexplained lights to shadowy figures, this podcast episode dives deep into the chilling world of the unknown and leaves listeners questioning the boundaries between reality and the supernatural.

Tune in to "Paranormal Encounters: Tales from a Haunted Hospital" to experience the thrills, skepticism, and excitement of a real-life paranormal investigation. Whether you're a seasoned believer or a curious skeptic, this episode will keep you engaged from start to finish as Joey and Abby share their unforgettable and spooky experiences.

Video from the investigation!!!

Track: "Hush Little Baby"
Music provided by https://Slip.stream 
Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/0uueAo


I have my daughter with me today. On the previous episode I discussed my daughter and I going on a paranormal investigation. And we did that, and it was kind of a crazy situation, and I'm glad it's something that we went on because we definitely had an experience. Abby, why don't you tell us about how you came across this?

I was just scrolling Facebook, and I follow a Facebook page, like a haunted Facebook page about paranormal stuff, and they posted something about this hospital in the town where we live that I've actually been in before I broke in there.

I forgot about that.

When I was 14. So it piqued my interest. And I was like, 

You didn't know you had committed a felony while you were 14?

In a haunted hospital? 

Well, guess what? All ended up okay. But they were seeking interest in a paranormal investigation there because they said they investigated it and it was haunted. I was like, oh, my gosh, that would be so cool. And my mom was born there, too, so that would be so cool. 

That explains why it's haunted. 

Anyway. Yeah, but I knew that you were into that stuff, so I was like, dad, we got to go do this. You're like, okay. So we went.

Well, I'm definitely glad you told me about it. Now, I was a little skeptical at the beginning because when we first get there, they started handing out those waivers that we had to sign. 

I didn't read it. I did a little bit, but no, I didn't read the whole thing. I was like, Am I going to die in here? 

So I have a copy of it. I asked them for a copy of it. Yeah, because I found it pretty interesting that a couple of things that they had listed on this thing was spiritual oppression, bodily possession, or spiritual attachments. So was like, oh, I guess we're going to be taking home a buddy. So I thought that was pretty interesting because I'd never been on an investigation like that before. And of course, they had the typical liability of if you're injured or if you get hurt because of the building not being maintained because it's an abandoned building. 

It was run down pretty bad. 

Yeah, it's run down pretty bad. Stuff was hanging down from the ceilings. We had to watch out for. 

Yeah, we weren't allowed to go in the basement. Yeah. Because it was flooded. Yeah, they said it was like a safety hazard or the nursery, I think. 

No, I thought we went in the nursery. 

We walked by it. I don't think we went in it. 


Because they were telling us the rules and stuff. And he said, don't take anything home with you. 

Oh, I forgot about that. 

Yeah. And at first was like, oh, because duh, like, stealing. But then he started talking more, and he's like, because if you take something home with you, you're asking for trouble. And then I started thinking, and I was like, whoa. Because something could be attached to that, and you're bringing it home with you. We don't need that. 

Yeah, it makes sense, though. I mean, I took your mom home from there, and I was haunted for a couple of years. 

You're so mean. 

But make sure she listens to this. 

It really piqued my interest. Whenever they started talking about the little boy, they were like, especially the little boy's toys that lives in the room over here. Don't take his toys. 

Yeah, yeah, because they said that people, they can bring toys and leave them for him. Just don't take anything because he would get mad. 

Yeah. And I was like, that's when I got creeped out. Before we even stepped in the building, I was like, Little boy? 

Yeah. Which explains the theme song at the beginning of the episode, because a lot of this is going to revolve around the little boy. Yes, but that happened at the very end of the night. Yeah. 

So we went in and we took a tour of the building first, because before it got dark. And they showed us around all the areas like the surgery room, the lobby, and kind of gave us an idea of where they felt like where we might see the most activity. And the one place that they thought we would see some of the most activity was the lobby, where they said that where they felt like the darkest presence was at. 

And I don't think we really experienced anything there, at least with equipment, did we? 

You didn't. 

Oh, is this when I went home? 


So I went and when we went in first, we went around a couple of areas, and we really didn't experience anything. We went to the surgery room, and they did have this scanner that scans several hundred FM radio stations all at once. And we were asking different questions, see if it would talk to us and ask if there was anybody there, or then it asked if it could tell us how many people were in the room. You remember that? Because nothing was happening at first. 

Yeah, we got nothing. We were asking questions. They had I think it was called a REM pod. To detect stuff in the hallway, and that wasn't happening, and yeah, there was just nothing happening. And then they asked how many people are in the room? 

And it said nine. 

Yeah, and then we all started counting. And there was nine people in the room? 


And I think that's when you got scared. 

That's when I started realizing, oh, this isn't like, ha funny, this is, like, scary.

But it wasn't too shortly after that it was hot because the building was boarded up. There wasn't no real air going through the building at all. It's like 103 degrees outside, so it's pretty miserable. I don't know how everybody else was dealing with it. So I went outside for a little bit. And did anything happen while I was outside? 

Yeah, we left the surgery room, and I think we just went to the next room over on the left, and they put some devices in the hallway that detects whenever the temperature changes. And so we're standing in this room with that in the hallway, like, asking it to come in, and again, nothing's happening. We're, like, asking it questions, asking it to come in. They turned on the radio thing again, and nothing happened. But then I can't remember what happened for them to ask this, but somebody asked if it wanted us to follow it, and then that's whenever the temperature thing in the hallway started to go off. 

And so we went into the hallway, and it was, like, cooled down in there. It kind of felt like breezy, which is weird because it's a boarded up building. Right. That doesn't happen. So then they were like, okay, where do you want us to go next? And then a door opened and shut down the hallway. And whenever that happened, our heads all just turned to the right, and it was really creepy. And I started to try to rationalize that. I was like, well, my dad and that other guy just went outside, so it might have been like the front door opening and shutting because it was towards that way also. But then they were like, no. And then you y'all came back in. 

Yeah, because we didn't close the door. There was no door opening or closing. So it wasn't us. 

Yeah, that's what you all said. We went to go try to investigate that and then nothing happened. 

Yeah, because that's when we came back in, and you all were telling us what was happening. 

Because I was like, you'll never guess what just happened. What? 

And then nothing. 

Yeah, it was just so weird because it was like a couple of things would happen and then nothing for a while. 

Yeah, because you came back in after that. I don't remember what we did. 

Well, it was at that point where my physical health was bothering me, and I was having a hard time getting around because of my hip. And so I decided to go home for a little while because we only live maybe 2 miles from this hospital, so I went home for a good hour and a half. So what happened while I was while I had left? 

Really a couple of things. Nothing crazy, but the lobby that you were talking about was kind of connected to the clinic. Remember the clinic? 


And they were talking about how they think, like, a darker spirit is over in that area. And so we're in the lobby kind of like in that hallway area, which is that's where they said that they felt like was the darkest presence. And it felt like that for all of us, too. They were like, whenever you walk into the clinic, you're going to feel like a very heavy like a heaviness rot. Like you can't hardly breathe, kind of. And so we were in the lobby, kind of, and they had devices that were doing something. I don't know. It wasn't anything crazy. But then we heard this really loud growl. 

I don't think you told me about that. 

No, I didn't, because I heard it, but I wasn't really paying that much attention, so I didn't hear it. You know what I mean? Yeah, other people heard it more, but it kind of sounded like if you have, like, a chair, like, scooting across, like, a wood floor, because somebody was like I thought that sounded just kind of like furniture moving or something, but everybody else was like, no, that sounded like a dark growl. And then I didn't really think anything. I just didn't really care. But then we were talking earlier about the dark spirit they said that was in there, and now I'm kind of like, what? That's kind of scary. 

Yeah, because when we went in there earlier in the night, when they were giving us the tour, I had felt like a heaviness on my chest where I kind of felt like it was a little bit hard to breathe. 

Yeah, I felt like that, too. I felt like that throughout the whole building. But it was bad whenever you walk through the clinic. The clinic and the lobby area. Yeah. 

Yeah. So then we go down the hallway kind of towards you remember that big room during the tour where they said the spirit in there likes women? Like nothing happens around the men? 

Yes. Because I asked you. I was like, you and go in there without me. 

Yeah. I didn't because I think it was after you left, a little bit after you left, how there were two groups. The groups we got all together at the end. We were, like, all together. And so we're in the hallway kind of close to that room, though. And that's whenever that one guy got the light thing with the green I don't know what it's called. It's kind of like a flashlight, but it shot out green beams of light. Yeah. And that way, if anyone went across the field of that or anybody or anything, then the green beams disappeared and you could tell if something passed in front of it. 

Because that's when I came back. I came back for, like, the last 45 minutes. 

Well, that was actually the second time that he did it, because he brought it out before that, too, while you were gone. Yeah. This is front hallway. 


Yeah. And that's whenever he was trying to.  He was like, hey, can you finish this beat for me? And then trying to get him to do the last two claps. But that didn't ever happen, thank goodness, because that would have been a little bit too real for me. That was a whole new realistic situation. 


Because there's a difference between a device going off and then actually hearing something that's not there. 

Yeah. You know what I mean? 

Well, because in a situation like that, is this person controlling the device compared to no one's actually knocking, like hearing a knock way down the hallway where you can see nobody's there. Yeah. Like, oh, I would have ran so quick. 

Yeah, there was a situation later tonight I'll talk about that. I was like, because someone told something to do something, and I was like, if that happens, I'm out of here. 


Yeah. Well, but then that's after that, nothing really happened at all, really? Because he got the Mag light out. It didn't turn it on or anything. I was like, Guys, this flashlight is not going to turn on. Because I was still a little like, Is this real? Because I'm just there for fun. Because this was a regular Mag flashlight that you can buy, like at Walmart. It's one of the ones where you just twist it on and off. You turn it on and off. And they were setting it to where they would turn it to where it was just barely off and said that if something touches it, it would come on. 

Yeah, they were trying to do that before you got there. And then they would set it in the yeah, and then they talked to the spirits or. Demons or whatever was there. Yeah. And so they started doing that before I came back. And nothing happened. And nothing happened. 

Nothing happened in that hallway after we left the lobby and heard that growl. Yeah, nothing happened. And then that's whenever we went to kind of, like, that bigger hallway where the kitchen was at, that we moved the little green light thing over there, and I don't think anything happened. 

So is that when I came back? 

Yes. This was like, a couple of minutes before you came back. Okay. But this one guy, the guy that you were talking to about your podcast I don't know names. I didn't get any names. 

I don't remember any names. Strangers. Well, there's this guy. He was part of the paranormal team, and he was standing with his back like the clinic was behind him, and it was just dark, and I didn't hear it, but a couple of people heard stuff happening back there, and he turned really quick and looked behind him, and we were all like, what? And then I guess he heard something behind him or whatever. And I was like, Heck, no. I'm out of here. But then that's whenever you started coming back. 

And that's when everybody flipped out, because they're like, what is that? Who's that? 

Yeah, because you were walking through the green the little green light thing. And I was like, that's my dad. They're like, okay. Thank goodness. I don't know what they thought, because you could obviously tell it was a real person. 

I think maybe they thought some random person wandered in. You never know. Well, because I did. Yeah, you never know. 

Especially with the part of town it was in. 

That's freaking hilarious. 

So that's when we went back into that other area. 

What area was that? 

Where the kitchen? We went into the kitchen after that. 

We went into the kitchen. 

Yeah, so they started using the mag light in the kitchen, and they were getting loud. And so we went in there. They're like, the flashlight was turning on and off. We were asking you questions. I was like, no way. You all are lying. You all are lying to me right now. And so that's whenever stuff started to happen. With the mag light. 

Okay. So we all shuffled in like, the entire group shuffled in there at this point, and there was, what, probably 15, 16 people. 

There was nine people just in our group. So maybe, like, close to 20, if not over 20. 


Quite a few people there. 

Yeah. And they all asked us to go on the opposite side of the wall, and they set the flashlight in the floor in the doorway. Going out towards the hallway. 


And there's nobody around it at all? 

No, there's nobody around it. 

Like you said.


Whenever you walk in from the hallway, it's right there facing us in the room. I wish I would have taken more pictures. 

So they're just asking it questions. And then they had a temperature thing set in the hallway, and so the temperature thing starts going off, which means there's something near it. And so one of the girls asked if it would walk into the room and touch the flashlight to turn the flashlight on, and that's when it came on. And a couple of seconds later, the flashlight turned on. And I was like, there's no way. Because this is the first time that something actually happened besides it saying nine or, like, the little growl thing. 


This is the first time that I actually got really scared. 

Yeah. That's when everything became real, because even the nine thing to me. 

Could have been a coincidence. 

Yeah, it could have been just a little thing in the could have been a coincidence. It could have been something that we were wanting it to do something, and we perceived that it did. 

Maybe. Yeah. But then when nobody's around this flashlight and it comes on on its own. 

But for me, I was still skeptical because I'm like, okay, well, they set it to where it was just barely off. I could see how it could come on by itself. Yeah. So at this point, I'm still skeptical. 

Yeah, I was a little skeptical, too, because I've had experiences before, like at house. Yeah. There was this one time me and Maddie were playing barbies in the living room floor, and everybody else was outside. They were having a bonfire, and so we were in the living room floor looking into the dining room, and they had a little coat hanger, and there was, like, a black jacket hung on the coat thing. And I remember seeing  it was like a black shadow figure walk towards my mom's room. And me and Maddie, I told her, and then we got up and ran, and they went and they checked, and nothing was there. 

You saw a shadow person? 

Well, I've always been skeptical of it, so I tried to rationalize it because there was a black jacket and then a black shadow figure. Maybe I was just seeing things. But then my mom, whenever I got a little bit older, told me that she used to see, like, a tall old man in a plaid shirt in, like, a cowboy hat standing just in random spots around the house and that it was like Michael's grandpa because he died in that house. 

That's kind of creepy. 


And so then after that, I was like but then I also had. Something happened. Do you remember my Lego table? 


I had a Lego table at the end of my bed and I woke up in the middle of the night one time. Oh, my gosh, I get the chills thinking about this, but I looked down at the Lego table and there was a little boy playing with my Legos. But I was so out of it and really groggy. And it was so long ago. I don't know if I was actually awake or if I was dreaming. You know how you have those dreams that just feel so real? 

Oh, yeah, I have those now. 

Yeah, I have those sometimes, too. And I'm like, was I really dreaming or 

It's all the NyQuil your mom used to give you as a child? 

Probably. But I don't know. I want to believe that it's real. 

Well, after Saturday, do you doubt I still do a little bit? Because I was talking to George about it and I was like, you know what a mag light is? And he's like, yeah. And I'm like, you have to touch it for it to turn on, right? And he's like, yeah. And I was like, So that has to be real, right? And he's like, well, yeah, somebody has to be touching it. But then later, he's the one that brought up the remote control thing with the other devices where it was like all the different colors. Like, the closer you get to it, the crazier it goes. Do you remember that? 

Well, see, that maybe that's a situation where there could be a remote control. 

But what about well, let's talk about that. Let's get to there. 

Okay. Because this is where we go to the little boys room. 

Yeah, because everybody's like, Where do you want to go next? And me and this other girl were like, well, we haven't been to the little boys room yet, and we've been waiting on that. That's where I wanted to go the most. Yeah. And I think that's where a lot of people wanted to go the most. 

I, however, didn't because I get creeped out by creepy things that have to do with children. Like Children of the Corn. Have you ever seen that movie? 

I've heard of it, yeah. 

I don't do good with creepy children. So I was really iffy on that part because after seeing the flashlight come on, I was skeptical still, but I was like, the longer the nights go on, because at this point, the wind had picked up. It had started thundering. It was starting to lightening. It was starting to rain a little bit. 

Yeah, it stormed pretty bad. And it just made the whole vibe a lot creepier. 

It did. And then they were talking about how paranormal activity picks up in situations like that. 

Oh, they did? 


Oh, I don't remember that. 
Oh, yeah, because that makes sense. Because I was like, Why was nothing happening all night? And then the last hour, hour and a half. It was insane, but I guess because it started storming. But anyway, the little boys room. 

Oh. So we get into the little boys room, and I wish we would have known what the little boy's name was. I don't think we really got any much details. There was nobody that knew a whole lot of history of the building, unfortunately, and that's an unfortunate circumstance. We knew that your mom was born there. She explains a lot, in my opinion. Your mom's going to kill me for bashing her in this whole podcast. 

She doesn't have to. 

Yes, she does. 

I'll tell her. I'm just kidding. 

Thank you. So we get in the little boys room, and the first thing they do is they bring out the flashlight, because at this point, the flashlight seemed to be the only thing that was working. So they bring the flashlight out MAG light, and they set it down on the floor, and everyone's backed away from it, and it was almost you okay over there? 

It was almost pretty instantaneous with them asking if there was anybody there and that if there was, then they would touch the walk up and touch the flashlight and it would come on. That it came on? 

I think so. I don't really remember. Yeah, very much. I have to go back and review the video on that one, to be honest. Like I said, it'll be in the description below. 

Yeah. I didn't start recording until stuff started to happen. 

Yeah, I didn't either. 

I do know it was the flashlight. And then he had these little cat balls, I think is what he called them. 

Yeah. They would lit up rainbow colors. 

Yeah. And something happened with that one time, honestly. I think that lady kicked that one. She might have, actually. I think she did, probably. 

Well, I think if you move them is whenever they start to light up, I think. Yeah. So, yeah, she probably kicked it, but so nothing happened with those. But the flashlight, we asked a couple of questions and it didn't do anything. And that's the thing. And it's like it wouldn't do something for a little bit, and then it would start doing something, which is what made it a little bit more believable for me. Well, what really made it believable for me was so when they first said it the first time and then what was the question that we asked? 

So the flashlight was on and somebody asked if he was scared of the dark, and so it turned off and then, like, a second later, that's when I asked, It can flicker for yes. And it was instantaneous flicker. 

Yeah. You said, It can flicker for yes. And then it turned off and then flicker. And everybody freaked. 

Yeah. Instantly. And then everybody freaked out. Yeah. You're like, Whoa. 

Yeah, that's whenever I was like, wow, this is, like, no joke. Because it was also right after that that they also asked if they liked playing with the light. And I asked, again,  flicker for yes. And it was, again, instantaneous flicker. 

Yeah. And at that point, I was, like, not so skeptical anymore. 

Yeah, same. I think that's when I started to like, I've said that so many times, but for real, I was just like, Whoa. 

That's honestly when I went from thinking of, is this some kind of paranormal activity situation with a small child or are we talking to a demon? 

Yeah, because somebody asked if it had any siblings and it didn't have any siblings. Yeah, but then we were also asking how old it was, and it wouldn't tell us right. Because it flickered three times, and then we're like, Three? Is that how old you are? And it didn't say anything. And then you asked if it was older than five. Nothing. Younger than five. Nothing. And so I'm like, okay, I guess a kid, if they're young, they won't know how old they are. 

Yeah. Or if it's some kind of demonic entity, then. Or if it's a demon. It won't know it. 

It's eternal. Maybe we shouldn't go back now. 

We got to go back so we can ask.

I'm not going back. 

Take salt with us and spread it across the doorway stage, and you walk out backwards. Although when we left, I went back in and told everything that it had to stay there and couldn't leave with me. You, however, didn't do this. 

No, because I didn't feel any bad vibes. 

I didn't either, but I was a believer at this point. I wasn't going to take any chances. 

Yeah, I guess there's still always a chance. You can still take something home with you, even if it's not evil, and I don't want that either. Yeah, I don't want to be hearing footsteps, like in my kitchen late at night when it's dark and I'm home alone 

or your dogs just are barking for nothing, 

which they do anyway. They already do that anyway. But on top of the footsteps, I think I would have to move, I'd have to burn my house. 

Did you see, like, when we were taking a tour to the very beginning of the night, that there was a broken coffee cup on the side of the door in the kids room? And the older gentleman that was helping conduct the investigation, he goes, oh, the child must have got mad again. 

I remember that. Yeah, I forgot about that till just now. I even forgot about it that night. 

That's why I said nothing's coming home with me. 

Okay, that makes more sense, because if this thing is throwing stuff and breaking it, because they also made comments about the spirit in the lobby is dark, supposedly, but also in the basement. We weren't allowed to go in the basement. And they said that that was the worst one. 

Yeah. Because it was a safety hazard. But there was also something not nice down there. 

Yeah, there was something really bad down there. 

And I'm like, yeah, let's not go down there. Yeah. So it was a very unusual experience, to say the least. 

Something would you do it again? 

Oh, I'm going to. Because they said they're going to add more dates in, like, October, November, and I've got people that want to go. 


Well, my mom wants to go because she was born there, but she also believes in that stuff. George, my stepdad, wants to go. Yeah, he believes in it. I was talking to him about it because I was like, do you believe this was on Sunday? 

Did you tell him he's already haunted? No, but I should because he married your mom. 

I'll tell him next time I see him. Well, I go there the next day. Because I was supposed to come to your house, but you didn't feel good, so I went over there instead. Yeah. And I was like, George, do you believe in ghosts? He goes, yeah. And I'm like, I got to show you this video. I was like, you won't believe it, but then he started trying to debunk it, like, oh, it could be a remote control. Oh, it could be this. Yeah, you got to take him we didn't tell him about the little device that lit up layers in the little boy's room. 

Oh, I forgot about that. I think it was called a rim pod, some type of I don't remember. It measured temperature, and then if anything got close to it, it started lighting up and making sounds like yeah. If anything got close to the little antenna, and the closer they got, the crazier it went. 


And so they put this down. I have a video. I can send it to you. Okay. I want to upload it. 

But they put this down next to the flashlight. And then he started playing with the flashlight and that thing at the same time. Yeah. And the guy that put it down was like, here. The closer you get, the more it lights up and stuff. And before he even walks away completely, it starts lighting up. 

Yeah. And he continues after he's away from it. And then it continued, and it stopped for a minute, and it stopped. I think the flashlight was still on. It might have not been. I don't remember. No, I think it was. 

Yeah, but that thing went crazy, and yeah. I think that's what George was like, well, it could be a remote control. And I'm like, yeah, you're right. 

I could see where that could potentially be remote control. But the flashlight yeah, and then I asked him about the flashlight. I'm like, but somebody has to literally touch this or turn it or whatever has to make contact with this for it to turn on. Right? 


And he was like, Yes. I was like, okay, then stop trying to debunk my experience. I don't think you can debunk the flashlight. I mean, I can see where it could potentially come on by itself. Like, I see that as being possible. Yeah, but not every single time you ask it a question. 

Well, not instantly flash or flicker when you tell it to yeah, because that's that's insane. It's an insane experience. I've had some experiences. Even my dad's house, when I was younger, they had a door in between the kitchen and the living room or the dining room that was one of those sliding doors where it would slide into the wall, and then it would slide back out to close it. That would open and close by itself, which was extremely 

what? Yeah, and it wasn't wind or a drift or anything. 



Yeah, it was freaky, but other than that, I've seen a black hand. Like, you were talking about seeing something black. 

I remember you telling me about that shadow person. Wasn't like the black hand was, like, floating or something like that. Yeah. Basically where it was kind of it was more like it seemed like it was swinging. Like someone was walking and swinging their arm. Yes. By the doorway. Where was this? 

At the house I grew up in. 

Yeah, I remember. And then I remember you telling me about the witch thing in the tree. Yes. And you also talked about that on the last podcast. 

Yeah. That's crazy. I've had a few crazy situations. And then you walking into the living room just the other day, and you hearing an evil voice say, don't, I got to get out of this house. I got to go home. I went to the store the other day, and I was looking for a mag light flashlight, because I think we need to see if this house is haunted. 

Yeah, that's what you were saying. You're like, we got to get some equipment for the house, and I'm like, I'm never coming over again. If you start investigating your house and stuff happens, you got to come to my house from now on. You've got to move out. 

It's fine. You can be here to record a podcast, and they can go home. No. What if it follows me? I'm sorry. I got dogs to protect me. Okay. I'm serious. That's scary. 

Well, but we're also going to be starting another podcast together because Abby's insane and she's obsessed with murder. 

I asked somebody. Sebastian, my boyfriend, I asked him. I was like.  Is that a red flag that I'm obsessed with true crime. Like, it's all I consume all day. That's all I listen to all day at work is crime junkie. Like, I'm serious. And he was like, I don't think so. And I'm like, okay, good, because I'm just fascinated by it. I was like, not that I want to kill somebody. It's just how could somebody kill another? You know what I mean? 

You're like, just like, is it a red flag? But also don't cheat on me. 

Exactly. I was like, if I wanted to kill somebody, I could. I shouldn't say that. I think anybody's capable of murder. 

Oh, we're all capable of good and evil. 


Anyway, so we'll talk more about this in the future. But yeah, we're going to be doing a True Crime podcast also, so I'm looking forward to that. 

Me too. 

What was the first case you said you want to talk about? Tiffany Veliante is how I think you say her last name. But it's a case that the Unsolved Mysteries, we watched it Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. Covered. 


I don't know why, but I've watched it, like, three or four times because I'm just like, they ruled it a suicide. But was it a suicide, right? It could have been. 

This was the girl on a train track, correct? 

Yes. She got hit by a train. Yeah, I don't know. I'm excited, though. Hopefully we don't get sued. 

Hopefully not. 

Wow. We should be comedians. We should have a comedy podcast, too. 

Well, tell your mom about this episode and she won't think I'm a comedian because this has been half about paranormal activity and half of me talking about how your mom is evil. I think she'll love it. 

I'm just saying. She possessed my life for over a few years. 

Wow. I'm just kidding. 

Are you, though? 

Not at all. She'd say the same thing about me. 



Anyway, I guess that's all for today, folks. So this is Joey Misbehaves, and we'll see you next week.